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Have you been in a car accident?

Insurance companies realize the many advantages of chiropractic care, and chiropractic treatment is usually fully covered by automobile insurance policies, no matter who is at fault, and no matter whether you were the driver, a passenger, or a pedestrian. We will help you submit the necessary insurance paper work and file a claim with your insurance company.

Even if you are not currently in pain, there nevertheless may be underlying and hidden damage to your spinal column, which may not manifest itself as a serious impairment of bodily function for months or even years. A visit to our office may end up saving you years of grief and unrelenting pain.Call our office today for an appointment or to discuss any aspect of your post accident healing process if you have been involved in an automobile accident. Or, fill out the “Schedule and Appointment” form at the bottom of the page.

Neck Pain

Researchers reporting in the British Medical Journal compared the cost-effectiveness of treatment of neck pain by chiropractic care, traditional physical therapy, and medical care for 183 people. The results of the study were that the folks treated with chiropractic got better faster and at a lower cost than more traditional treatments. You owe it to yourself to try the treatment that has been shown to be more effective. Fill out the “Schedule an Appointment” form at the bottom of the page to learn how we can help alleviate your chronic neck pain. If you're not yet convinced that chiropractic is the way to go, you can read more below about its remarkable success in alleviating neck pain.

Back Pain

If your back pain is relentless, and you're sick and tired of the suffering, reading this report may be the most important thing you've done to improve your health and well being, ever. What your doctor doesn't know about lower back pain will surprise you.

If your doctor tells you that your back has been sprained and that cutting back on your activities while taking medication will cure the problem, then you can be certain that he or she may not be the one you should be talking to. The reason for this is that most medical doctors are unable to diagnose and treat the real cause of low back pain. Their treatment is likely to be ineffective and will likely result in your never getting better.

Taking drugs just masks the pain; it will never cure your low back pain, and furthermore, even drugs such as aspirin, if taken over a long period of time, can cause damage to your liver, kidneys, and stomach lining. And, masking the pain just prevents you from curing the underlying source of the pain, which allows the problem to become progressively worse over time.

Leg Pain and Sciatica

Sciatica is a severe pain in the leg caused by compression, irritation, or inflammation of the sciatic nerves, which are thick nerves extending down the back of each leg. Each sciatic nerve consists of five smaller nerves extending from the lower spinal column, which then join together and travel down the legs. The sciatic nerves divide into tiny smaller nerves traveling to the knee, foot, toes, calf, and thigh. The inflammation of any of these nerves is called sciatica.

People with sciatica can sometimes experience shooting pains down the leg and into the foot and toes, and other times a dull ache or numbness. Sciatica is caused by many things. Sitting at a desk for long periods of time in one position can exacerbate the pain. Exercise can make the pain worse. Tennis or golf and other twisting activities can cause sciatica pain to flare up. Sometimes, the pain may be in both legs, and other times it may alternate from one leg to the other.The doctor will treat your sciatica by finding the location of nerve irritation, and can relieve the pressure on the nerve, allowing the body to heal itself naturally, without drugs or surgery.

Tennis Elbow

Tennis elbow, or lateral epicondylitis, is a painful condition of the elbow caused by overuse. Lateral epicondylitis, or tennis elbow, involves the muscles and tendons of your forearm. The tendon usually involved in tennis elbow is called the Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis (ECRB).

While tennis elbow does effect athletes that incorporate a swinging motion in their game-play, such as tennis players and golfers, it is much more often found in professions where the worker must use repetitive motions, like carpentry, construction, painting, or even office work.

Chronic Headaches

Headaches are the most common medical condition in the world, with 9/10 people reporting that they suffer from headaches weekly and 1/10 people reporting headaches that occur daily or even more frequently. Headaches can have a number of causes - Eye strain, nutrition, dehydration- but what not many people realize is spinal tension is a leading cause of chronic headaches.

With a few simple adjustments, you may feel instantaneous relief, as well as a severe reduction in the amount of headaches you suffer over time.